Supporting our members

SCONUL advocates effectively for our diverse membership, speaking with a single voice on the strategic issues facing the sector and arguing for the value and needs of libraries with government, regulators, service providers and many others. We only exist with the energy and valuable time from our members and we need you to help us continue to drive forward.

We provide support and leadership for the sector, bringing members together with external and international thinkers to support active consideration of service and wider sector developments. We share intelligence through events, case studies and briefing papers driven by our Board and strategy groups.

Our strategy groups and community of interest groups are available to staff at member institutions to join and are a great way of helping to shape the future of the sector and widening your networks.

We offer colleagues a range of services and resources to help you progress in your career, engage with the wider library community and understand the library landscape more fully. We help our members stay fully briefed on the latest developments, for example on AI.



SCONUL and its partners received a response from the Clariva...


SCONUL and its partners received a response from the Clarivate CEO to our letter of 27 February.

SCONUL publishes its Library Technology Landscape report


SCONUL launched its Library Tehnology Landscape report, based on our technology survey, at our annual conference on Monday 3rd March.

You can read the full report here.

SCONUL publishes its Future of the Systems Librarian report


SCONUL has published another report this week, looking at the systems librarian role in libraries.

The report can be found here.

All news



SCONUL AI coffee Morning



The SCONUL AI and information literacy CIG will be taking over our AI coffee morning in March. They will look at sharing guidance and good practice supporting AI and information literacy. They will also be joined by three speakers who will share the developments from their institutions.

Building effective partnerships webinar



Join SCONUL colleagues to discuss building effective partnerships at our webinar on 27th March from 2.00 – 3.30pm.

Building a UK OER movement webinar



Join colleagues from across the UK to discuss building a movement to drive forward the development and uptake of OERs in the UK.

All Events