Building effective partnerships webinar
Join SCONUL colleagues to discuss building effective partnerships at our webinar on 27th March from 2.00 – 3.30pm.
Building effective partnerships with colleagues across the institution and beyond is a core skill for anyone contributing to the leadership of a library service. This may be around redeveloping or commissioning a new library space; collaborating with research office colleagues on the development of open access or rights retention policies; with civic partners on local initiatives or simply on delivering on the core research and teaching and learning missions of the institution.
This webinar will provide an opportunity to explore approaches to building partnerships and we will hear from three expert speakers who will be sharing their insights and experience:
- Regina Everitt , Assistant COO (Service Excellence) and Director of Library, Archives, and Learning Services at University of East London, and Editor of recently published Facet collection Privileged Spaces: Academic Libraries in University Estates Strategy
- Adrian Ellison, Pro Vice-Chancellor, People and Digital at the University of West London and who has extensive experience of partnership working between IT and the library as a former leader of IT services including at the LSE and Royal Holloway
- Anna O’Neill, University Librarian at University of Warwick, who has extensive experience of partnership working in a wide range of library settings.
Please email for registration details.
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