Resources and Links
SCONUL's Content Strategy Group advocates for the sector and information on some of their recent and historical campaigns can be found here:
SCONUL RLUK Press Release Springer Nature Libraries call on academic colleagues to help shift to full open academic publishing 3 May 2022
Joint Statement on Wiley’s withdrawal of access to ebook titles Libraries call on Wiley to ensure continued access to ebooks 17 October 2022
Joint Letter to Pearson Higher Education Services Letter calling for a reversal of high price increases to e-textbook titles 21 December 2021
SCONUL e-book and e-textbook Sustainability Position paper Paper setting out a series of actions for libraries and publishers to work together to ensure sustainable models for providing students with the e-book and e-textbook readings they need. 6 October 2021
Open letter to the Publishers Association Libraries call on publishers to improve the support provided during Covid 19 lockdown. 5 February 2021
Letter from Copyright Licensing Agency In response to lobbying, the CLA confirms it will be temporarily amending the terms of its HE Licence in relation to printed books published 24 August 2020
Pressure on publishers to cut costs Libraries call on publishers to urgently cut costs or lose subscriptions 13 August 2020
Copyright and enabling remote learning and research during the Covid-19 crisis Letter to Minister from libraries calling for changes to allow remote learning during Covid 19 lockdowns 16 April 2020
Statement on access to content in response to COVID-19 Outbreak of the COVID-19 virus and implications for teaching and research 20 March 2020
Joint letter to Publishers Outbreak of the COVID-19 virus and implications for teaching and research 20 March 2020
SCONUL letter to CMA on textbooks Libraries call on the CMA to investigate the McGraw-Hill Education / Cengage Learning Holdings merger 28 January 2020
Briefing for SCONUL members and other university leaders a national digital library for UK HE 1 November 2011

Other content and collections resources
- Copyright literacy group webinars - specialist copyright training for library staff
- Charting the Course: case studies in OER sustainability. A research report by Ithaka S+R
- A review of transitional agreements in the UK. A report by Jisc on the progress of transitional agreements.
- Transitional agreements may not be the whole route to open access. WonkHE article by SCONUL co-chair Libby Homer, March 2024.
- Copyright briefing paper on the Hargreaves exceptions Briefing paper on making effective use of the Hargreaves exceptions by Chris Morrison and Jane Secker. November 2019
Understanding the value of the CLA Licence to UK higher education Report on findings of research in 2018 to understand the value of the Copyright Licensing Agency (CLA)’s HE licence including recommendations by Jane Secker, Elizabeth Gadd and Chris Morrison. July 2019
Plan S Guidance SCONUL’s response to the Coalition S consultation on Plan S. January 2019
Wellcome Open Access Policy 2020 Details of the new Wellcome OA policy. November 2018
An extension of UKRR into low-use monographs: does appetite exist? A report by Theo Stubbs. November 2018
SCONUL response to Wellcome Trust OA policy consultation. May 2018
Feasibility Study on Monographs Final report June 2017
Copyright for Knowledge Implications of the new Public Sector Information (PSI) Regulations for University Libraries. October 2015
LERU Statement for the 2016 Dutch EU Presidency Moving Forwards on Open Access. October 2015
Research Data Management Briefing for library directors on RDM including resources, the research data cycle, how RDM services might be developed and identifying the knowledge and skills required for RDM roles. March 2015
HEFCE Consultation on Open Access and the post-2014 REF: SCONUL Response Summary of SCONUL's submission to the consultation. October 2013
SCONUL Open Access Briefing and Briefing on mandatory open access policies Summary of recent changes in open access policy for SCONUL members. September 2013
Accessibility, Sustainability, Excellence: How to Expand Access to Research Publications A Review of Progress in Implementing the Recommendations of the Finch Report. October 2013
Accessibility, sustainability, excellence: how to expand access to research publications Executive Summary. June 2012
Accessibility, sustainability, excellence: how to expand access to research publications Report of the Working Group on Expanding Access to Published Research Finding. June 2012
SCONUL response to IPO Copyright Consultation in response to the Hargreaves Review of Intellectual Property. February 2012
Open Access impact briefing A briefing by Alma Swan on the impact of open access. January 2012
Webinars available to watch:
Libraries as Creators of Content, A webinar looking at the roles of libraries in content creation activities such as the development of open access university presses and other initiatives which facilitate open access publishing and scholarly communication e.g. open educational resources (OERs), July 2022 (Available for members: please log in for access).
Shaping the institutional discussion on the future of content, A webinar exploring the library’s role in content provision in the broader institutional context of developing academic understanding and perceptions, open access mandates, and the impact of the pandemic, 6 June 2022 (Available for members: please log in for access).
SCONUL Content Forum. This meeting of the SCONUL Content Forum explored the scope for greater collaboration on content across the sector, March 2022 (This includes sensitive content. Please contact for a password to this content).
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