Library Structures and Strategies
The SCONUL Horizons and Organisational Development groups are embarking on a major joint project looking at the Future of Libraries. This project will define and articulate our organisational identity and purpose, grounded in our heritage and values while projecting a compelling vision for the future. It will engage and support members in considering their own responses to technological, social, financial and other developments, and use case studies and storytelling approaches, underpinned by qualitative and quantitative evidence to assert a positive, forward-looking future for libraries with our community and stakeholders.
The Organisational Development group are also scoping out a potential knowledge base, sharing organisational development resources including job descriptions, team and organisational structures. It will also identify and survey emerging or good practice including with an EDI focus. The project will be consulting members shortly on practical considerations around the development of this knowledge base.
Other projects that touch on this area, are our Technology-enhanced spaces work, the future of the systems librarian and our relationship with suppliers, which aims to change how librarians engage in this space.