Library Design Awards 2025
We are delighted to announce the return of the SCONUL Library Design Awards which for the first time include a new category for service design alongside the category for library spaces. The triennial awards return after a break during the Covid 19 pandemic and projects completed between 1st January 2018 and 31st December 2023 are eligible.
The Library Design Awards Panel is chaired by Dr Judith Keene, Director of Library Services, University of Worcester, who says:
“Since the SCONUL Design Awards last ran in 2019 we have experienced a period of profound change and uncertainty in our institutions and the wider environment, starting with a pandemic and continuing through regulatory, political and financial challenges. Through it all, libraries have continued to work hard for their customers, often finding new and innovative approaches in response to their circumstances. This iteration of the Awards is designed to recognise and celebrate the creativity and resilience of our community and the ongoing impact of our spaces and services.
“We have revised the categories of award to reflect the current context and as a previous winner, I hope that prospective applicants will see them as an opportunity to highlight and take pride in their achievements, and to be acknowledged for their excellence by their peers. I look forwards to being excited and inspired by your submissions.”
Details of the two categories and how to submit an entry can be viewed here:
SCONUL Library Design Awards 2025 call for submissions
SCONUL Library Design Awards 2025 submissions template
The deadline for submissions is Wednesday 26th February 2025. Any queries and submissions should be sent to
Many thanks and we look forward to seeing and celebrating the best in library design.

The Library Design Awards 2025 panel consists of:
- Judith Keene (Chair) - Director of Library and Professional Administrative Services, University of Worcester
- Sue Ackermann - Director, Libraries, University of Nottingham
- Rachel Dolan - Assistant Director: Student Journey (Libraries and Learning Development), University of Sunderland
- Alison Harding - Executive Head of Library and Learning Resources, University of Wales Trinity Saint David
- Rosie Jones - Director Student and Library Services, Teesside University
- Kate Kelly - Director of Library Services, Royal College of Surgeons Ireland
- Lisa McClaren - Deputy Director, SCONUL
- Brian O’Donnell - Deputy Director and Head of Estates, National Library of Ireland
- David Puplett - Associate Director - Libraries and Academic Enhancement, University of Greenwich
- Ann Rossiter - Executive Director, SCONUL
- Emma Thompson - Associate Director (Education & Research), Manchester Metropolitan University
- Clare West - Head of Library Services and University Librarian, Bournemouth University.