SCONUL Future of the Systems Librarian survey
11 September 2024
Noura Mokhtar, administrator
The SCONUL Technology and Markets Strategy Group is running a project on the Future of the Systems Librarian to look at the role of the systems librarian in supporting the evolving needs of the library. The project commenced with a webinar looking at the Future of the Systems Librarian where over 170 delegates attended and contributed their insights onto a Padlet. Having analysed the data from the Padlet, we now wish to undertake a wider survey with the library community to calibrate the results.
This survey is open to anyone in the library community. We particularly want to reach library systems managers and their teams, but also adjacent library teams with a high dependency upon library systems (e.g. collections teams, library customer support and front-line teams) as well as library senior staff. Submissions from different individuals at the same institution are permitted. The survey should take approximately 10 minutes to complete.
The survey is available here: and will close on 2 October 2024. A copy of the questions is attached. Please do pass this on to anyone to whom this may be of interest.