Delivering the SCONUL Strategy
05 March 2024
SitMui Ng, SCONUL Co-ordinator
We’re happy to share an update with SCONUL members on progress in delivering the SCONUL Strategy. This briefing provides details on projects being undertaken by the Strategy Groups. These cover a huge range of areas of interest to members from building an organisational development knowledge base for libraries to engaging with library providers on their AI roadmaps.
We’re also announcing our series of forthcoming events covering sustainability and the climate crisis; approaches to rights retention; controlled digital lending and changing our relationship with library suppliers including links to register.
The update also provides news on the next iteration of the SCONUL Library Design Awards; new community of interest groups; plans for our Small and Specialist Institutions Forum and for AI coffee mornings, plus updates on the redevelopment of the SCONUL Statistics, Access Scheme, SCONUL website and the launch of our new Technology Survey.
We hope that you find this update helpful and we’d be delighted to hear your views or expressions of interest in any of the areas covered here.